Industrial Deafness Claims

We’ve won £123,195,892 in compensation for our clients since 2010. Get the compensation you deserve by speaking to Russell Worth Solicitors today

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Industrial Deafness Claims

From Hearing Loss & Hearing Damage Specialists

Law Society Approved. Industry Respected. No Win No Fee.

Industrial deafness or occupational deafness as it is sometimes known, is noise-induced deafness – a condition that happens as a result of being exposed to loud noises as part of ones job role. It is sometimes temporary but more often than not a permanent illness which has led to industrial deafness claims being won in their thousands every year.

Free Claim Assessment

Please call us now on 0800 028 2060 or complete our Online Claim Assessment and let us help you.

What causes Occupational Deafness?

Like vibration-white-finger or asbestosis, industrial deafness claims are often made against the insurance companies of the firms operating in what are known as the heavy industries, where people have been exposed to such harsh environments. One common characteristic of such industries is that of loud and prolonged noise, often without being provided with the correct safety equipment from employers to protect the ears.

Typical industries associated with Industrial Deafness

Shipbuilding, mining, building and construction, metal foundry work, warehouse work and any other environments where there is exposure to loud and constant, often enclosed noise.

What are the symptoms of Industrial Deafness?

People who have successfully made industrial deafness claims in the past have complained of a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear as well as sudden hearing loss or a gradual loss of hearing prematurely in life.

Tinnitus is a very common symptom of people suffering from occupational deafness, which is described as a constant buzzing sound, which occurs in ones ears, despite no external sound. Tinnitus or temporary hearing loss is often a precursor to long term industrial deafness so if you are suffering these symptoms, get in touch with us today!

Can I make an Industrial Deafness Claim?

It is notoriously difficult to make an industrial deafness claim because often the case is hard to prove which is why you should enlist the help of an industrial deafness solicitor such as Russell Worth. We have won many cases of occupational deafness by simply knowing how to go about the claim and helping you build a solid case against the liable party. If you have any evidence such as witness statements, photos or videos then this can make the claim process much smoother but even if you don’t have this sort of evidence right now, we can still help you with your claim.

Should I make a Claim?

Ok, so here we come to the moral dilemma that a lot of people face when it comes to claiming against their employer (whether current or previous employer). It is quite simple – would you be suffering from industrial deafness or related symptoms if you had not been working in the environment you were in for your employer? People obviously go deaf for reasons other than their occupation but if you believe that your deafness results directly from you working in an environment set to you by your employer then you should get in touch today! It is not your fault that you are suffering and it is only right that you should be compensated for this. Not being able to hear has a huge impact on ones life!

Further to this, the government launched The Control Noise At Work Regulations in 2005, which sets out precautions an employer should take to try and reduce exposure to noise in the workplace. This legislation is here to protect the employer and if they step outside of these guidelines then they are opening themselves up to having claims made against them through injury of their staff.

Industrial Deafness Compensation Amounts

Figures vary hugely for this type of claim but one can expect to receive anything from £3,000 up to £60,000 depending on how severe the condition, how long you have had it / likely to have it and whether it is in one or both ears. People with tinnitus for example will likely get less industrial deafness compensation than those with full on noise induced hearing loss.

Making a Claim

This couldn’t be more simple – fill out the form by following the this link and we will contact you at a time that is convenient for you. Alternatively, feel free to call us to discuss your claim with an experienced and professional claims handler on 0800 028 2060.

We will typically take on this sort of claim on a No Win No Fee basis meaning that you pay nothing if you lose.

If you have any questions, please take a look at our Claim FAQs page. In addition to this, you can take a look at our why claim page for further reading around why you are acting well within your rights when making an industrial deafness claim.

Free Claim Assessment

For your free Claim Assessment please call us now on 0800 028 2060 or complete our Online Claim Assessment.

Excellent. The service was efficient from start to finish and I would not hesitate to recommend Russell Worth Solicitors to anybody who is unfortunate enough to meet with a personal injury that is not their fault.
Hilary Ann