Slips and Trips

We’ve won £123,195,892 in compensation for our clients since 2010. Get the compensation you deserve by speaking to Russell Worth Solicitors today

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Slips & Trips Accident Claims

No Win No Fee. Law Society Accredited. Maximum Compensation.

Slips & Trips are common causes of personal injury. If you have sustained any sort of injury in the last 3 years from an accident that was no fault of your own then speak to Russell Worth today, as you may be entitled to compensation.

Over £90 million compensation recovered for our UK clients – Russell Worth Solicitors

0800 028 2060

Free Claim Assessment

For your free Claim Assessment please call us now on 0800 028 2060 or complete our Online Claim Assessment.

Fast Facts

  • Slips and trips are the single largest cause of accidents at work
  • They cost the economy £512m per year
  • They cost the NHS £133m per year

Figures taken from the HSE and the Healthy Working Lives website.

The perception of Slips, Trips and falls in Society

Slips and trips are often considered by society as something that has fueled the so called compensation culture but in reality the number of people that suffer badly as a result of these accidents is high. In fact it has been said by leading health officials that in 95% of serious slip situations, the person sustains broken bones.

We’re not too concerned with the way it is perceived in society. In fact for us, it doesn’t even come into it. What we do care about hugely is getting those people who have suffered from a slip or trip, on the road to recovery and back to their normal life with the compensation they are due. We obviously make money from the claim if it is successful but the liable party covers some of these costs. See our occupiers liability page for more details of this.

Causes of Slips and Trips where we have claimed successfully for our clients

  • Wet floors
  • Uneven flooring / surfaces
  • Bad lighting
  • Wrongly suited floor coverings
  • Cables and wires
  • Housing disrepair
  • Potholes claims from damaged roads / pavements
  • Faulty utility grids

“Outstanding client service from start to finish. From the very first time I called Russell Worth I was impressed with their friendly professionalism. I had called a number of the TV advertised compensation lawyers and large firms with impressive websites and received nothing but poor service from what appeared to be over-worked and under-trained staff. I had hesitated to call RWS because they are located at the other end of the country to me, but I’m so glad I made that call. RWS are just the very best at listening, understanding my situation, putting me at ease and coming up quickly with a plan of action that resulted in more compensation than I had expected possible. Actually, the TV advertised legal firms had told me I couldn’t expect any compensation for my injuries. Thanks heavens for RWS!!”


Slips and Trips at Work

If you have had a slip or trip at work, firstly, do not worry.  We spend a large proportion of our time at work and as the old saying goes “accidents happen”. If you have seriously injured yourself then it is fair that you should claim against your employers’ insurance policy

Think about it this way. You pay for insurance for your home contents – if something breaks or is lost then you claim on your policy for it. The same is true for your employer – that is why your employer is legally required to have insurance, so that things like slip and trip claims are covered.

Slips and Falls Outside of Work

People trip over everywhere. In the UK alone there are over 62million people, the majority of which are all walking around the streets and supermarkets as part of their everyday life. Ensuring these environments are kept clean and safe is imperative to the well being of everyone.

Pavement Accidents

You may have suffered a trip injury as a result of a pothole or a raised paving stone. In either case, there is no point in making a claim unless the relative raise or drop of a defective pavement is less than one inch. So if a pot hole is an inch or deeper or a paving stone is an inch or more out of line then there are possibly grounds for a claim if you have injured yourself. If the defects are any smaller than this then there are not really any grounds to claim. For more details on liability pertaining to public claims for compensation, please visit this page.

Supermarket Accidents

Slipping hazards are commonplace in many shops today whether caused by the employees or the people that shop there. Most supermarkets today have very efficient processes in place for dealing with spillages so as to ward off any potential for claims against them but they do still happen and people do still get injured.

Smaller shops tend not to have such efficient processes in place, which can make their environment a hazardous place to shop.

In a similar vein trip hazards are commonplace and again, shops need to have a safe and efficient method of getting products off the floor and onto the shelves.

The Upshot

Slips and Trips can very often be avoided so it pays to be vigilant when walking the streets, supermarkets or anywhere else for that matter. If you find yourself injured from such an incident then there are typically insurances in place that should be utilised to ensure you do not lose out financially or suffer. Check our why claim section for more details.

What should i do if i have been involved in a slip or trip accident?

There are a number of steps you should take in the moments after a slip of trip accident that can make the difference between success and failure of your slip or trip claim. Please see this section for more details. 

Free Claim Assessment

For your free Claim Assessment please call us now on 0800 028 2060 or complete our Online Claim Assessment.

Excellent. The service was efficient from start to finish and I would not hesitate to recommend Russell Worth Solicitors to anybody who is unfortunate enough to meet with a personal injury that is not their fault.
Hilary Ann